Aussie’s barbie culture is all about good times and great food. It could be a weekend, a public holiday, or just a random evening. We love any excuse to fire up the grill and hang out with friends and family.

A barbecue isn’t just about eating here in Australia. It’s a time to really catch a break and share stories, laugh a LOT, and enjoy the outdoors together. The smell of sausages, steaks, and seafood cooking on the barbie is a surefire sign that fun is on the way.

Here in Oz, you don’t need much of a reason to have a BBQ. From beach gatherings to backyard hangouts, barbies are the go-to for relaxed and casual fun. But there’s one important thing to remember – never show up empty-handed. Bringing a gift is a way to show your appreciation for the host’s effort. Usually, people bring a six-pack of beer, a bottle of wine, or maybe a dessert, but there’s a growing trend towards bringing something that is good-looking and stands out more.

Yes! That’s right! To really impress your hosts and show you’re there for a good time, why not bring a gorgeous foodie gift hamper? Better yet, a healthy one. Our range of healthy hampers are packed with nutritious snacks that everyone can enjoy. You’ll find things like nuts, dried fruits, gluten-free treats, and organic goodies. A healthy hamper is a fantastic addition to any barbecue spread. It shows you’re grateful and adds a bit of wellness to the mix. There’s something delicious and healthy for everyone.

So, next time you get invited to a good Aussie barbie, think about bringing a healthy gift hamper. It’s a great way to contribute to the fun while also cutting out the bad with some good snacks. Plus, it’s a nice change from the usual beers and sweets, showing that you’ve put some thought into your gift.


A Look at the Health of Aussie BBQ Culture

When it comes to BBQs, Australia takes it to a whole new level. We love gathering around the grill, enjoying the sunshine, and sharing good food with friends and family. But have you ever wondered about the health side of our BBQ culture? Let’s look into some interesting health-related BBQ stats from Australia and see how we can make our beloved barbies a bit healthier.


There’s a Lot More Meat than You Think

First up, let’s talk about meat. Aussies are known for their love of meat, especially at BBQs. On average, Australians consume around 95 kg of meat per person each year. That’s a lot of sausages, steaks, and burgers! While meat is a great source of protein, eating too much red and processed meat can increase the risk of certain health issues like heart disease and cancer. The good news is, there are plenty of delicious and healthier alternatives you can throw on the barbie, like grilled fish, chicken breast, or even some tasty veggie burgers.


More Veggies Please

Now, let’s look at veggies. You might be surprised to learn that most Australians aren’t eating enough vegetables. In fact, only about 7% of adults meet the recommended daily intake of vegetables. BBQs are a perfect opportunity to up your veggie game. Grilled veggies like capsicum, courgette, and mushrooms are not only healthy but also taste amazing with a bit of olive oil and herbs. Plus, adding more veggies to your BBQ helps balance out all that meat and adds a splash of colour to your plate.


And a LOT of Beer

Another interesting stat is about alcohol consumption. BBQs and beers seem to go hand in hand in Australia. On average, Australians drink about 9.5 litres of pure alcohol per person each year. While it’s okay to enjoy a drink or two, drinking too much can have serious health consequences. At your next BBQ, why not try some refreshing non-alcoholic options? Sparkling water with a slice of lemon, homemade iced tea is always a hit, or even a fun mocktail can be great alternatives to beer and wine.


Food Safety Concerns

Let’s not forget about the importance of food safety. According to Food Standards Australia New Zealand, there are around 4.1 million cases of foodborne illness in Australia each year. BBQs can be a hotspot for food safety issues, especially when it comes to undercooked meat and cross-contamination. Make sure to cook meat thoroughly, keep raw and cooked foods separate, and always wash your hands before handling food. These simple steps can help keep everyone safe and healthy.


The Portion Sizes

And what about portion sizes? Aussies love a big feast, but it’s easy to go overboard at a BBQ. Eating too much in one sitting can lead to weight gain and other health problems. A good tip is to fill half your plate with veggies, a quarter with lean protein, and a quarter with whole grains or other healthy carbs. This way, you’re getting a balanced meal without overdoing it.


Dessert – Obviously

Finally, let’s talk about dessert. No BBQ is complete without something sweet to finish it off. While it’s tempting to reach for cakes and biscuits, there are healthier options that can still satisfy your sweet tooth. Fresh fruit salad, yoghurt with berries, or even some grilled pineapple can be a delicious and healthier end to your meal.



So, next time you’re planning a BBQ, keep these health tips and stats in mind. By making a few simple changes, you can enjoy all the fun of a BBQ while also looking after your health. Swap out some of the meat for fish or veggie options, pile your plate high with grilled veggies, go easy on the alcohol, and make sure to practise good food safety. And don’t forget to watch your portion sizes and finish off with a healthy dessert. With these tips, you can make your next BBQ a hit not just for its taste, but for its health benefits too.



06 Amazing Healthy Gifts to Take to A BBQ

When it comes to BBQs, bringing along some great foodie gifts can really elevate the experience. Here are some fantastic options from Healthy Hampers that are perfect for your next BBQ.


Family of Vegan Treats

The Family of Vegan Treats hamper is a winner for any BBQ, especially if you’ve got vegan friends. This gift pack is loaded with delicious vegan snacks that everyone will love. You’ll find gourmet nuts, organic chocolates, and tasty fruit snacks that are perfect for nibbling between grill sessions. While this hamper doesn’t come with beer, you can easily pair it with your favourite vegan-friendly brews. Think of a crisp lager or a refreshing pale ale to complement the diverse flavours of the snacks.


Hopeful Vegan Hamper

The Hopeful Vegan Hamper is another fantastic choice, packed with an assortment of vegan goodies. It includes crunchy kale chips, savoury nuts, and sweet treats like chocolate and biscuits. This mix of snacks is great for munching while waiting for the main BBQ dishes to be ready. Pair these snacks with a light and zesty IPA or a fruity cider to keep things fresh and exciting. The combination of flavours will keep your taste buds entertained throughout the BBQ.


Vegan Indulgent Snack Hamper

The Vegan Indulgent Snack Hamper is perfect for those who love to indulge in rich flavours. It includes a variety of decadent vegan snacks like chocolate-covered nuts, gourmet popcorn, and plant-based biscuits. These treats are great for sharing and will definitely be a hit at any BBQ. Pair this hamper with a robust stout or a dark ale for a rich and satisfying flavour experience that complements the indulgent snacks.


Deux Chapel Hill Hamper

The Deux Chapel Hill Hamper is an excellent choice for a more sophisticated BBQ. It includes two bottles of Chapel Hill wine – a Shiraz and a Cabernet Sauvignon. These wines are perfect for sipping while enjoying grilled meats and veggies. The hamper also includes gourmet snacks like olives, nuts, and crackers that pair beautifully with the wine. This hamper brings a touch of elegance to your BBQ, making it perfect for a more upscale gathering.


Prosecco Vegan Delight

The Prosecco Vegan Delight hamper is ideal for those who enjoy a bit of sparkle at their BBQ. It features a bottle of Prosecco and a selection of vegan treats. The Prosecco is light and bubbly, perfect for toasting with friends. The vegan snacks, including nuts, chocolate, and savoury bites, are great for pairing with the bubbly. This hamper adds a festive vibe to your BBQ and is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.


Delightfully Gluten-Free

For a gluten-free option, the Delightfully Gluten-Free hamper is a top pick. It includes a variety of gluten-free snacks like crisps, nuts, and chocolates. These snacks are perfect for everyone, ensuring that no one feels left out due to dietary restrictions. Pair these snacks with a gluten-free beer or cider for a refreshing and inclusive BBQ experience. This hamper shows that you care about your guests’ needs and still want to provide delicious options for everyone.


So, next time you’re heading to a BBQ, make sure you bring one of these hampers from Healthy Hampers to share the love and deliciousness. Enjoy your next Aussie BBQ, and here’s to good health and great food! Cheers to a fantastic BBQ!