Gin is a beloved spirit with a rich history and a fascinating production process, making it a favourite among many. Let's take a closer look at how gin is made and why it remains vegan-friendly from start to finish.

Veganism is really taking off in Australia, and it's mainly because people are looking for healthier ways to eat. More and more Aussies are realising that a plant-based diet is not just a trend but a solid choice for better health. Eating more fruits, veggies, legumes, and whole grains – all key parts of a vegan diet – brings a ton of health benefits.

One big reason people are turning to veganism is to tackle obesity. Australia has been facing rising obesity rates, and folks are looking for ways to manage their weight better. Veganism offers a great solution because it's generally lower in calories and saturated fats compared to the typical Western diet. By focusing on nutrient-rich foods that are high in fibre and essential vitamins, a vegan diet helps with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight, which in turn reduces the risk of obesity-related issues like heart disease and diabetes.

But even with veganism becoming more popular, finding the perfect gift for your vegan friends can still be tricky. You have to be mindful of their dietary restrictions, especially when it comes to food gifts. That's where we come in to help you out. We’ve got some creative and fun ideas to make your vegan gifts stand out, and one of the stars of the show is gin. Gin is vegan-friendly and its botanical flavours can really add a special touch to any gift.

So, if you’re looking to spruce up your vegan gifts, look no further. We’ll show you how gin can add a necessary touch of elegance to your gift. Whether it's for a birthday, holiday, or just because, you’ll have your vegan gift-giving game on point with a little help from this versatile and beloved liquor.



Let’s Talk About Gin… Is It Vegan Friendly?

Gin is a beloved spirit with a rich history and a fascinating production process, making it a favourite among many. Here's a closer look at how gin is made and why it remains vegan-friendly from start to finish.


The Distillation Process

The journey of gin begins with a neutral grain spirit, typically made from grains like barley, corn, or wheat. This spirit is essentially pure ethanol and acts as a blank canvas for the flavours to come. The first step in making gin is distillation, where this neutral spirit is distilled to a high proof, removing impurities and ensuring a clean base.


Infusion of Botanicals

The magic of gin lies in its botanicals. The most essential botanical is juniper berries, which give gin its distinctive pine-like flavour. Other common botanicals include coriander seeds, angelica root, citrus peel, cardamom, and various herbs and spices. These botanicals are what set different gins apart, giving each brand its unique flavour profile.


There are two main methods of infusing these botanicals into the spirit –

- Steeping Method – In this method, the botanicals are steeped in the neutral spirit for a specific period, allowing the flavours to infuse. After steeping, the mixture is distilled again to blend the flavours thoroughly.

- Vapour Infusion Method – Here, the botanicals are placed in a basket within the still. As the spirit heats up and turns to vapour, it passes through the botanicals, extracting their flavours before condensing back into liquid form. This method can produce a lighter, more delicate flavour profile.


Vegan-Friendly from Start to Finish

Throughout the distillation and infusion processes, gin remains vegan-friendly. The base spirit is purely plant-based, made from grains, and the botanicals are all derived from plants. Unlike some other spirits, gin production typically does not involve any animal products or by-products, ensuring it is suitable for vegans. Additionally, clarifying agents or additives that might contain animal derivatives are not commonly used in gin production.


Varieties of Gin

Gin comes in several varieties, each with its distinct characteristics –

- London Dry Gin – The most traditional type, known for its crisp, juniper-forward flavour. Despite the name, it doesn’t have to be made in London.

- Plymouth Gin – A geographically protected style, slightly sweeter and earthier than London Dry.

- Old Tom Gin – A sweeter variety, popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, experiencing a resurgence today.

- New Western or Contemporary Gin – Focuses less on juniper and more on other botanicals, offering diverse and innovative flavour profiles.

- Navy Strength Gin – Known for its high proof (over 57% ABV), delivering a robust flavour.


From its clean, plant-based origins to its diverse range of flavours, gin stands out as a flexible and vegan-friendly spirit. Whether you prefer the traditional juniper-forward London Dry or a modern botanical blend, gin offers something for every palate.


Is Alcohol OK for a Vegan Diet?

Generally, most hard liquors, such as gin, vodka, rum, and tequila, are vegan-friendly. These spirits are typically distilled from plant-based ingredients like grains, potatoes, or sugarcane and do not use any animal products in their production. However, some liquors, wines, and beers might use animal-derived fining agents like isinglass (fish bladder), gelatine, egg whites, or casein (a milk protein) during the clarification process. Fortunately, many producers are moving towards using vegan-friendly fining agents like bentonite clay or activated charcoal.

When it comes to wine, many organic and natural wines are vegan because they avoid using animal products altogether. Similarly, several breweries are producing vegan beers, so it’s always a good idea to check labels or visit websites like Barnivore, which lists vegan alcohol options.


The Botanical Gin Hamper

The Botanical Gin Hamper is a perfect gift for any vegan friend. It features Tread Softly Botanical Dry Gin, a vegan and gluten-free gin known for its refreshing juniper and botanical flavours. This gin is crafted with care to ensure a pure, natural taste that's sure to impress.

The hamper also includes a variety of vegan snacks like Bains Chickpea Crisps, Bennetto Amaranth & Sea Salt Chocolate, and Health Lab Choc Chip Protein Balls. All these treats are packed in an eco-friendly, recyclable gift box, making it both delicious and sustainable. It's an ideal gift for any occasion, showing your vegan friends you care about their lifestyle and the planet.


How Much Alcohol is Healthy?

Moderation is key when it comes to alcohol consumption, vegan or not. The health impacts of alcohol can be quite significant, and it’s important to drink responsibly.


Health Guidelines

The general guideline for moderate drinking, as per many health authorities, is up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. This is what one drink means –


- 350 ml of beer (about 12 ounces)

- 150 ml of wine (about 5 ounces)

- 45 ml of distilled spirits (about 1.5 ounces)


Excessive alcohol intake can lead to a range of health issues, including liver disease, heart problems, addiction, and an increased risk of certain cancers. Alcohol can also contribute to weight gain and negatively impact mental health. Even in small amounts, alcohol can affect different people in different ways, so it’s crucial to know your own limits.


Gin Loving Vegans Rejoice!

Alcohol can be a part of a vegan lifestyle if you choose products that are free from animal-derived ingredients. Always check labels and opt for brands that clearly state their vegan-friendly status. As for health, drinking in moderation is the best approach. Keep within recommended limits to enjoy the social and potential health benefits of alcohol while minimising the risks. Remember, a balanced approach to consumption is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.